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Note that not all collections are on the map — see list below
- AHF Polychaete Collection at LACM [MBC]
- Acapulco, Mexico 1998 [MBC]
- Alaska King Crab Investigation – Polychaetes ~1942 [Polychaetes]
- Aleutian Cruise 1949 [Polychaetes]
- Allan Hancock Foundation »»
- Allan Havens Eniwetok [MBC]
- American Petroleum Institution, Project 51-Robert H. Parker 1951–1962 [Polychaetes]
- Arabian Sea Collection 1994 [MBC]
- Astoria,G. Hendler 2001 [MBC]
- BLM (Bureau of Land Management) California, 1975-1978 [MBC]
- BLM Intertidal Survey, 1075–1978 [MBC]
- Bahamas Collection 2003 [MBC]
- Banyuls-sur-Mer, France 1997 [MBC]
- Bio Blitz 2008 [Polychaetes]
- BioScan – Pretty Images [MBC]
- Bocas del Toro, Panama 2003 and 2005 [MBC]
- Bocas del Toro, Panama 2024 Peracarida Workshop [MBC]
- Brazil 1998 [MBC]
- Bureau of Commercial Fisheries — Atomic Energy Commission [MBC]
- California Abyssal Collection 1973 [MBC]
- California Bight Survey 1994 [MBC]
- California Bight Survey 1998 [MBC]
- California Bight Survey 2003 [MBC]
- California Bight Survey 2008 [MBC]
- California Bight Survey 2013 [MBC]
- California Bight Survey 2018 [MBC]
- California Institute of Technology Invertebrate Collection [MBC]
- Camm C. Swift [MBC]
- Captain G. Allan Hancock [MBC]
- Cocos Island 1994 [MBC]
- Cocos Island Kaiser & Kuck [MBC]
- Costa Rica Digital Catalogue, 2005 [MBC]
- Costa Rica, Cahuita Collection 1986–1987 [MBC]
- Crustacea »»
- DISCO – Diversity Initiative for the Southern California Ocean [MBC]
- Deborah M. Dexter [MBC]
- Deep Ocean Mining Evironmental Study [MBC]
- Derek Ellis, University of Victoria [MBC]
- Donald J. Reish and Jerry L. Barnard 1940s–1960s [Polychaetes]
- Doug Eernisse collections [MBC]
- East Africa 2004 [MBC]
- Eastern Pacific Zaca Expedition 1937–38; New York Zoological Society [MBC]
- Eltanin Antarctic cruises [MBC]
- Ernie Iverson [MBC]
- Eureka, Eel River 1988 [MBC]
- Fanning Island [MBC]
- Farallons, U.S. Navy Ocean Disposal Site 1990–1992 [Polychaetes]
- Fiji, Yaqara Bay 2005 [MBC]
- Freshwater Ostracods – Mark Angelos [MBC]
- Friday Harbor, Nygren 2001 [MBC]
- Galapagos, Havens and Cohen [MBC]
- Givens, Robert, Catalina Island [Polychaetes]
- Great Barrier Reef Expedition 2003 [MBC]
- Guana Island Collection 1997–2001 [MBC]
- Gulf of Mexico, 1987 [MBC]
- Gulf of Mexico, Puffer and Emerson, 1951 [MBC]
- Hawaiian Bongo Net Collection [MBC]
- Heceta Bank »»
- Huatulco, Mexico 2006 [MBC]
- Ile de Clipperton (Island) Kaiser 1994 [MBC]
- International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1963-1964 [MBC]
- Island Copper Mine, University of Victoria 1983–1996 [MBC]
- Jamaica 2006 [MBC]
- James H. McLean Collection 1955–1999 [Malacology]
- Japan 2013 [MBC]
- Japanese Docks 2012 [Polychaetes]
- Jerry Kudenov, Mexico 1970s [MBC]
- John Garth collections at Enewetak Marine Biological Laboratory [MBC]
- K. Fauchald and D.R. Hancock ~1969 [Polychaetes]
- King Harbor, Redondo Beach 1975–1978 [MBC]
- Knudsen-Gorsline 1953–1955 [Polychaetes]
- Kristian Fauchald [MBC]
- LACM Isopod Type Catalog [Crustacea]
- LACM “CR” Crustacea legacy collection catalog [MBC]
- Leslie Harris collection numbers [Polychaetes]
- Los Angeles County Sanitation District 2006 [MBC]
- Los Angeles Terrestrial Isopod Survey 2011 [MBC]
- Los Angeles Urban Ocean Expedition 2019 [MBC]
- Marine Biodiversity Center Teaching Collection [MBC]
- Marine Biodiversity Processing Center collections [MBC]
- Merced County Fairy Shrimp 1998–1999 [Crustacea]
- Mineral Management Service »»
- Mongolia Expedition 2002 [MBC]
- Monterey Bay Deep 2004 [Polychaetes]
- Moss Landing Invasive Species Study 2003–2008 [MBC]
- Moss Landing Laboratory Collection [MBC]
- NHM Corals and Gorgonians [MBC]
- Naga Expedition, Viet Nam 1959–1961 [Polychaetes]
- Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Collections [Malacology]
- Nautilus — Ocean Exploration Trust [MBC]
- Naval Facilities San Diego–Vernal Pools [Crustacea]
- Northwestern Hawaiian Islands 2006 [MBC]
- Olga Hartman [MBC]
- Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary 2001–2002 [MBC]
- Oregon State University, Andrew Carey 1961–1965 [MBC]
- Otay Mesa 2009 [Crustacea]
- PICES-RAS, Oregon 2010 [MBC]
- PICES-RAS, Vostok Bay, Russia 2011 [MBC]
- PULSE, Point Sal, Santa Barbara County [MBC]
- Pacific Gas & Electric Vernal Pool Survey 1992 [MBC]
- Pacific Lau Basin 2006 [MBC]
- Palau 2002 [MBC]
- Palau 2006 [MBC]
- Panama 2005 and 2006 [MBC]
- Panama Exotics Expedition [MBC]
- Panama-Lee 1976 [MBC]
- Paracerceis [MBC]
- Phil Pepe, Mexico 1976 [MBC]
- Philippines, K. Fitzhugh 1995 [MBC]
- Phoenix Islands 2002 [MBC]
- Ports of Los Angeles »»
- Pretty Pictures [MBC]
- Puget Sound Expeditions 1998 and 2000 [MBC]
- Puget Sound, University of Washington 1974-1979 [MBC]
- Quintana Roo, Mexico 2001 [MBC]
- Recon Environmental, Inc. [MBC]
- Regina Wetzer collection database locality records [MBC]
- Richard C. Brusca [MBC]
- Richardson, Hedgepeth, Hyland Collections [MBC]
- Rocks Biological Consulting [MBC]
- Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, 2008 [MBC]
- San Diego Bay Survey, 2011 [MBC]
- San Diego Natural History Museum Collection [MBC]
- San Francisco Bay Invasive Species Study 2010 [MBC]
- San Francisco Bay Invasive Species Survey [MBC]
- Seahorse Key [MBC]
- Siboga Expedition specimens [MBC]
- Singapore Expedition 2003 [MBC]
- Southern California Rapid Assessment Survey 2000 [MBC]
- Tjarno Collection [MBC]
- Tomales Bay 2003–2004 [MBC]
- Tomales Bay-Pitelka 1940s [MBC]
- Tovar-Hernandez 2009–2010 [MBC]
- Twila Bratcher Collection [MBC]
- Type collection of the LACM Polychaete Section [MBC]
- UCLA Malacology Collection 1919–1973 [MBC]
- US Navy San Diego Collection [MBC]
- United States Navy Antarctic Expedition 1947–1948 [Polychaetes]
- University of Miami Collection [MBC]
- Velero Atlantic (1939) [MBC]
- Vernal Pool Collections [MBC]
- Western Samoa 2007 [MBC]
- Williams and Bunkley Isopod Collection 2013 [MBC]
- Yokohl Ranch Vernal Pools 2007–2008 [MBC]