Collection Data

Page Contents: Section | Significance | Background | Location & Dates | Taxonomic Contents | Documentation | Description of Collection | Collection Inventory | Collection Assets

Crustacea / Southern California Coastal Water Research Project / Bascom

Section Responsible for Processing



The objective of this survey was to obtain enough data on the infauna and on some chemical characteristics of the bottom over a large area in a relatively short period of time so that some conclusions could be reached about the effects of man on the marine environment. The results of the survey are presented both in tables and charts. Such a database was deemed valuable both for assessing the present situation and for use by future scientists investigating changes with time.


We refer to this collection as "SCCWRP Bascom," because articles and reports related to this collection were written by Willard Bascom. Bascom was likely a principle investigator involved in the project.
Bascom, W. 1979. Life in the Bottom: San Diego and Santa Monica Bays Palos Verdes and Point Loma Peninsulas. In Annual Report, 1978, Coastal Water Research Project, pp. 57-80, Long Beach, California.
Jan, T.K., and G. Patrick Hershelman. 1981. Trace Metals in Surface Sediments of Santa Monica Bay. In Biennial Report, 1979-1980, Coastal Water Research Project, pp. 171-180, Long Beach, California.
Bascom, W. and the Staff of SCCWRP. 1981. The Effects of Sludge Disposal in Santa Monica Bay. In Biennial Report, 1979-1980, Coastal Water Research Project, pp. 197-234, Long Beach, California.

Collection Location and Dates

In this 1978 survey a pair of samples was taken at each of 300 stations, most were positioned along transects perpendicular to the shoreline at about 4 km (2.2 nautical miles) intervals along 120 km (65 miles) of coast. The stations were located between Point Dume (Santa Barabara County) and Dana Point, off Point Loma (San Diego County) and in a grid around the Hyperion outfalls in Santa Monica Bay (Los Angeles County). Latitude, longitude, and depths are available for all stations. This data has been scanned and is available in its entirety in PDF format below.

Taxonomic Contents

Crustacea, mollusks, polychaetes, echinoderms, and various other taxa (e.g., Echiura) have been sorted.


SCCWRP Annual Reports kept in the Polychaete Section book stacks. All material (selected material) to be scanned and added to this database.

Description of Collection

Wet preserved specimens, mostly contained in glass screw-top vials and jars. Specimens were originally fixed in 10% formalin and stored in 70% ethanol. Collection has been sorted to phyla. Specimens are located in Crustacea Collection Room, north wall, Bank 5 (between Crustacea carriages 7B and 8A, shelf 4 and Bank 7; and between echinoderm carriages L, i-p and M, a-h, top shelf and shelf 7).

Collection Inventory

Collection is contained in 20 small cardboard boxes each containing ~50 screw-top vials.

Collection Assets

Date View or Retrieve File Information
03/21/2007 View [2256.0 kB] Echiura
03/21/2007 View [2361.0 kB] Specimens on middle shelf.
03/21/2007 View [2121.9 kB] Mollusca
03/21/2007 View [2383.7 kB] Polychaeta
03/21/2007 View [2206.3 kB] Shelved specimens.

Curatorial Status (Click to view)