Collection Data

Page Contents: Section | Significance | Background | Location & Dates | Taxonomic Contents | Documentation | Description of Collection | Collection Inventory | Collection Assets

Pacific Lau Basin 2006

Section Responsible for Processing



Deep water vent shrimp and crabs from the Lau Basin, off Tonga.


Collected by R/V Melville, out of Moss Landing Marine Lab and fixed and preserved in RNA Later and alcohol for molecular work.

Collection Location and Dates

Pacific, off Tonga, Lau Basin, 6-18 September 2006 and 1 November 2006, 1880 - 2622 m

Taxonomic Contents

Deep water crabs and shrimp. Twelve crabs, 13 shrimp, and 13 anomurans.


All specimen data is contained in database. Original Excel spreadsheet is available.

Description of Collection

Specimens were fixed in either RNA Later OR a solution of 90% ethanol, 5% methanol, 5% propanol onboard the ship. Some lots were fixed in 95% ethanol only. The later specimens were transferred to 95% ethanol upon receipt at the museum. All but one specimen had legs removed and was preserved in RNA Later. Only legs preserved in RNA Later were sent for two specimens. Identified to level of order. Collection housed in MBPC/Polychaete trailer. Fixatives and preservatives are as noted on the specimens labels.

Collection Inventory

37 jars (1 - 16 ounces) with whole specimens and corresponding legs. One jar/specimen whole, so no legs were pulled. Two specimen's legs only, no whole bodies.

Collection Assets

Date View or Retrieve File Information
08/05/2008 View [297.1 kB] Deep sea galatheid crab 1. Photo by K. Omura
08/05/2008 View [568.8 kB] Deep sea galatheid crab 2. Photo by K. Omura
03/07/2004 Retrieve [22.0 kB] Original Excel spreadsheet from Kamille Hammerstrom used to generate specimen labels.

Curatorial Status (Click to view)