Collection Data

Page Contents: Section | Significance | Background | Location & Dates | Taxonomic Contents | Documentation | Description of Collection | Collection Inventory | Collection Assets

Los Angeles County Sanitation District 2006

Section Responsible for Processing



These collections were made specifically to get fresh material in good shape for morphological studies and molecular analysis.


The Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts consist of 24 independent districts which collaborate to manage wastewater on a regional scale. The agency maintains a marine biology laboratory to assess the health of the marine environmental impacted by wastewater discharge. Monitoring surveys of fish and benthic invertebrates are conducted on a regular basis as part of the assessment. Museum personnel occasionally participate in these cruises in order to procure new material. This particular collection was made by Leslie Harris (Polychaete Collections Manager).

Collection Location and Dates

Samples were taken from van Veen benthic grabs in Santa Monica Bay, California, on 12 June 2006.

Taxonomic Contents

Most specimens are polychaetes. Some are crustaceans, molluscs, nemerteans, and 1 enteropneust.


Electronic files in the Polychaete Section. MBPC 6745-6748 (LACSD 1C, LACSD 7C).

Description of Collection

Wet preserved specimens. They were collected live and brought back to the museum for identification and preservation. Subsamples of selected individuals were put into 95% ethanol and frozen. The rest of the material was relaxed with 7% magnesium chloride-distilled water, fixed in 5% formalin-seawater, rinsed briefly in fresh water, and transferred into 70% ethanol.

Collection Inventory

59 lots total
31 lots of polychaetes
15 lots of nemerteans
7 lots of crustaceans
5 lots of molluscs
1 lot of enteropneusta

Collection Assets

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11/29/2010 Retrieve [32.5 kB] Raw data file

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