Collection Data

Page Contents: Section | Significance | Background | Location & Dates | Taxonomic Contents | Documentation | Description of Collection | Collection Inventory | Collection Assets

Acapulco, Mexico 1998

Section Responsible for Processing



Dr. Enrique Rioja was the first polychaetologist to study the Mexican fauna. During the course of his career he recorded over 300 taxa and described 39 species in 17 families. Unfortunately all of his type material and other specimens were lost. Dr. Vivienne Solis-Weiss (Universidade Nacional de Autonoma Mexico) and Leslie Harris (LACM Polychaete Collections Manager) collected in some of Rioja’s sampling sites around Acapulco, Mexico in the hope of finding suitable material for neotypes.


Travel funded by L. Harris.

Collection Location and Dates

Vicinity of Acapulco, Mexico, March 1998.

Taxonomic Contents

Mostly polychaetes with a small number of other phyla.


Harris’ field notes are in the Polychaete Section.

Description of Collection

Wet preserved collection. Sediment samples and algae scrapings were screened in the field to eliminate bulk and fixed in 5-10% formalin-seawater. Before transport to NHMLAC they were briefly rinsed in fresh water and transferred to 70% ethanol.

Collection Inventory

10 unsorted lots.

Collection Assets

No collection assets available.

Curatorial Status (Click to view)