Collection Data

Page Contents: Section | Significance | Background | Location & Dates | Taxonomic Contents | Documentation | Description of Collection | Collection Inventory | Collection Assets

Merced County Fairy Shrimp 1998–1999

Section Responsible for Processing



Federally-listed vernal pool crustaceans survey for the UC Merced/University community planning area in Eastern Merced County, California. US Fish and Wildlife Service conducted surveys during 1998/1999 wet season to identify the presence and distribution of vernal pool branchiopods (particularly Branchinecta conservatio, Conservancy fairy shrimp) within the planning area. Planning area is approximately 36,000 acres and located northeast of the city of Merced, directly east of Lake Yosemite in Merced County. A total of 713 vernal pools were sampled from in the planning area.


No information available.

Collection Location and Dates

Eastern Merced County, CA, wet season 1998/1999.

Taxonomic Contents

Almost entirely Anostraca: Branchinectidae and a few Chirocephalidae. Most are adults, some subadults which could not be identified to species.


see attached pdf

Description of Collection

Males, females and immature specimens are in this collection.

Collection Inventory

982 lots, sorted and identified; fixed and preserved in 95% ethanol

Collection Assets

Date View or Retrieve File Information
06/05/2012 Retrieve [10701.3 kB] Fish and Wildlife Service documention accompanying this collection.

Curatorial Status (Click to view)