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991 references

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  Abello, P., A. Carbonell, and P. Torres (2002) Biogeography of epibenthic crustaceans on the shelf and upper slope off the Iberian Peninsula Mediterranean coasts: implications for the establishment of natural management areas. Scientia Marina 66(2): 183–198. [View Pages] PDF is 595kB

  Abelló, P., F.J. Valladares, and A. Castellón (1988) Analysis of the structure of decapod crustacean assemblages off the Catalan coast (North-West Mediterranean). Marine Biology 98: 39–49. [View Pages] PDF is 882kB

  Abelló, P. and F.J. Valladares (1988) Bathyal decapod crustaceans of the Catalan Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean). Mésogée 48: 97–102. [View Pages] PDF is 479kB

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  Adema, J.P.H.M., F. Creutzberg, and G.J. van Noort (1982) Notes on the occurrence of some poorly known Decapoda (Crustacea) in the southern North Sea. Zoologische Bijdragen, Leiden 28: 9–32. [View Pages] PDF is 1.2MB

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  Ahyong, S.T. and K. Baba (2004) Chirostylidae from north-western Australia (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura). Memoirs of Museum Victoria 61(1): 57–64. [View Pages] PDF is 538kB

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  Alcock, A. and A.R.S. Anderson (1899) Natural history notes from H.M. Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship ‘Investigator,’ Commander T.H. Heming, R.N., commanding.—Series III., No. 2. An account of the deep-sea Crustacea dredged during the surveying-season of 1897–98. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7 3: 1–27. [View Pages] PDF is 1.3MB

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  Alcock, A. and A.F. McArdle (1901) Crustacea.—Part IX. Illustrations of the zoology of the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator, under the command of Commander T.H. Heming, R.N. Calcutta: Trustees of the Indian Museum. , Plates XLIX–LV. [View Pages] PDF is 103MB (also available in 11 parts)

  Alcock, A. and S.B. McArdle (1902) Crustacea, Part X. Illustrations of the zoology of the Royal Indian Marine Surveying Steamer “Investigator”. Vol. 10. Calcutta: Trustees of the Indian Museum. , Plates LVI–LXVII. [View Pages] PDF is 2.5MB

  Alcock, A. (1901) A descriptive catalogue of the Indian deep-sea Crustacea Decapoda Macrura and Anomala, in the Indian Museum. Being a revised account of the deep-sea species collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator. Calcutta: Trustees of the Indian Museum. iv, 286 pp, Plates 1–3. [View Pages] PDF is 16MB (also available in 2 parts)

  Allen, J.A. (1967) The fauna of the Clyde Sea Area. Crustacea: Euphausiacea and Decapoda with an illustrated key to the British species. Millport: Scottish Marine Biological Association. 116 pp.

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  Antonsen, B.L. and D.H. Paul (2001) Serotonergic and octopaminergic systems in the squat lobster Munida quadrispina (Anomura, Galatheidae). Journal of Comparative Neurology 439(4): 450–468. [View Pages] PDF is 795kB

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  Arancibia, H., L.A. Cubillos, and E. Acuna (2005) Annual growth and age composition of the squat lobster Cervimunida johni off northern-central Chile (1996-97). Scientia Marina 69(1): 113–122. [View Pages] PDF is 387kB

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  Ates, A.S., A. Ismen, U. Ozekinci, and C.C.E. Yigin (2005) A new record of Munida rugosa (J.C. Fabricius, 1775) (Decapoda, Anomura, Galatheidae) from the Eastern Aegean Sea, Turkey. Crustaceana 78: 1265–1267. [View Pages] PDF is 118kB

  Ates, A.S., T. Katagan, A. Kocatas, and F.E. Yurdabak (2005) Decapod (Crustacea) fauna of Saros Bay (Northeastern Aegean Sea). Turkish Journal of Zoology 29: 119–124.

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  Attrill, M.J. (1989) A rhizocephalan (Crustacea: Cirripedia) infestation of the deep-sea galatheid Munida sarsi (Crustacea; Decapoda), the effects on the host and the influence of depth upon the host-parasite relationship. Journal of Zoology 217(663–682). [View Pages] PDF is 1.1MB

  Aurioles-Gamboa, D., M.I. Castro-González, and R. Pérez-Flores (1994) Annual mass strandings of pelagic red crabs, Pleuroncodes planipes (Crustacea, Anomura, Galatheidae), in Bahia-Magdalena, Baja-California-Sur, Mexico. Fishery Bulletin 92(2): 464–470.

  Aurioles-Gamboa, D. and R. Pérez-Flores (1997) Seasonal and bathymetric changes in feeding habits of the benthic red crab Pleuroncodes planipes (Decapoda, Anomura, Galatheidae) off the Pacific coast of Baja California sur, Mexico. Crustaceana 70(3): 272–287. [View Pages] PDF is 1.5MB

  Aurioles-Gamboa, D. (1992) Inshore-offshore movements of pelagic red crabs Pleuroncodes planipes (Decapoda, Anomura, Galatheidae) off the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, México. Crustaceana 62: 71–84. [View Pages] PDF is 600kB

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  Baba, K. and D.K. Camp (1988) Two species of galatheid crustaceans (Decapoda: Anomura) new to Florida, Munida spinifrons Henderson, and Munidopsis kucki, new species. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 101(2): 414–422. [View Pages] PDF is 824kB

  Baba, K. and J. Haig (1990) A new species of chirostylid crustacean (Decapoda: Anomura) from off the west coast of north America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 103(4): 854–860. [View Pages] PDF is 748kB

  Baba, K., K.-I. Hayashi, and M. Toriyama (1986) Decapod crustaceans from continental shelf and slope around Japan: The intensive research of unexploited fishery resources on continental slopes. Tokyo: Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association. 336 pp. [View Pages] PDF is 17MB (also available in 2 parts)

  Baba, K. and W. Javed (1974) Coralliogalathea, a new genus of Galatheidae (Crustacea, Anomura), with further notes on its type-species. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 47(1): 61–64. [View Pages] PDF is 268kB

  Baba, K. and E. Macpherson (1991) Reexamination of the type material of Munida militaris Henderson, 1885 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Galatheidae), with the selection of a lectotype. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 104(3): 538–544. [View Pages] PDF is 735kB

  Baba, K. and S.-C. Oh (1990) Galathea coralliophilus, a new decapod crustacean (Anomura: Galatheidae) from Singapore, Gulf of Thailand, and West Irian. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 103(2): 358–363. [View Pages] PDF is 1010kB

  Baba, K. and G.C.B. Poore (2002) Munidopsis (Decapoda, Anomura) from southeastern Australia. Crustaceana 75(3–4): 231–252. [View Pages] PDF is 1.4MB

  Baba, K. and M. de Saint Laurent (1992) Chirostylid and galatheid crustaceans (Decapoda: Anomura) from active thermal vent areas in the southwest Pacific. Scientia Marina 56: 321–332. [View Pages] PDF is 3.4MB

  Baba, K. and M. de Saint Laurent (1996) Crustacea Decapoda: Revision of the genus Bathymunida Balss, 1914, and description of six new related genera (Galatheidae). In: Crosnier, A. (ed.) Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, Volume 15. Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle. Vol. 168. Paris. Pp. 433–502. [View Pages] PDF is 19MB (also available in 2 parts)

  Baba, K. and N.M. Tirmizi (1979) A new chirostylid (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) from deeper parts of the Japanese waters and off the east coast of Africa. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 17: 52–57, figs 1–2. [View Pages] PDF is 991kB

  Baba, K. and M. Türkay (1992) Munida magniantennulata, a new deepsea decapod crustacean from active thermal vent areas of Valu-Fa-Ridge in the Lau Basin, SW-Pacific (Anomura: Galatheidae). Senckenbergiana maritima 22: 203–210. [View Pages] PDF is 461kB

  Baba, K. and M.K. Wicksten (1997) Janetogalathea, a new genus of squat lobster, with redescription of its type species Galathea californiensis Benedict, 1902 (Anomura: Galatheidae). Crustacean Research 26: 38–46. [View Pages] PDF is 788kB

  Baba, K. and A.B. Williams (1998) New Galatheoidea (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) from hydrothermal systems in the West Pacific Ocean: Bismarck Archipelago and Okinawa Trough. Zoosystema 20(2): 143–156. [View Pages] PDF is 11MB

  Baba, K. and H.P. Yu (1987) Short note Munida albiapicula, a new species of anomuran crustacean (Decapoda: Galatheidae) from Taiwan. Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica 26(4): 331–335. [View Pages] PDF is 2.1MB

  Baba, K. (1969) Chirostylids and galatheids from dredgings and trawlings operated in the East China Sea by the Japanese Fisheries Research Vessel Kaiyo Maru in 1967. Ohmu 2(3): 41–57. [View Pages] PDF is 2.4MB

  Baba, K. (1969) Four new genera with their representatives and six new species of the Galatheidae in the collection of the Zoological Laboratory, Kyushu Univesity, with redefinition of the genus Galathea. Ohmu 2(1): 1–32. [View Pages] PDF is 2.4MB

  Baba, K. (1969) New addition to the galatheid fauna of Japan (Crustacea, Anomura). Ohmu 2: 33–40. [View Pages] PDF is 1.6MB

  Baba, K. (1970) Redescription of Bathymunida brevirostris (Yokoya, 1933) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Galatheidae). Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University, Section 1 (Natural Science) 18(1): 59–62. [View Pages] PDF is 338kB

  Baba, K. (1971) Lauriea, a new genus proposed for Galathea gardineri Laurie (Crustacea, Anomura, Galatheidae). Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University, Section 1 (Natural Science) 19(1): 51–53. [View Pages] PDF is 293kB

  Baba, K. (1972) Galathea maculiabdominalis sp. nov., a new galatheid from the Ryukyu Islands (Crustacea, Anomura, Galatheidae). Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University, Section 1 (Natural Science) 21(1): 86–89. [View Pages] PDF is 428kB

  Baba, K. (1972) A new species of galatheidean Crustacea from the Ryukyu Islands (Decapoda, Anomura). Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University, Section 1 (Natural Science) 20: 43–48. [View Pages] PDF is 468kB

  Baba, K. (1973) Remarkable species of the Chirostylidae (Crustacea, Anomura) of Japanese waters. Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University, Section 1 (Natural Science) 22(1): 117–125. [View Pages] PDF is 1.6MB

  Baba, K. (1974) Munida brucei sp. nov., a new galatheid (Decapoda, Anomura) from the east coast of Africa. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 47(1): 55–60, figs 1–2. [View Pages] PDF is 399kB

  Baba, K. (1974) Four new species of galatheidean Crustacea from New Zealand waters. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 4(4): 381–393, figs 1–9. [View Pages] PDF is 956kB

  Baba, K. (1976) A new species of the genus Eumunida (Crustacea, Anomura, Chirostylidae) off Tori-shima in the Western Pacific. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, series A (Zoology) 2(1): 15–18. [View Pages] PDF is 336kB

  Baba, K. (1977) Gastroptychus cavimurus sp. nov., a new chirostylid (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) from off the western coast of South America. Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden 52(16): 201–207, figs 1–3. [View Pages] PDF is 423kB

  Baba, K. (1977) A new species of Uroptychus (Crustacea, Anomura, Chirostylidae) from off Honshu, Japan. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 50(2): 123–126. [View Pages] PDF is 315kB

  Baba, K. (1977) Biological results of the Snellius Expedition XXVIII. The galatheid Crustacea of the Snellius Expedition. Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden 50(15): 243–259. [View Pages] PDF is 1.1MB

  Baba, K. (1977) Five new species of chirostylid crustaceans (Decapoda, Anomura) from off Midway Island. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, series A (Zoology) 3(3): 141–156. [View Pages] PDF is 1015kB

  Baba, K. (1978) A new deep-sea galatheid (Crustacea, Anomura) from northern South China Sea. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 15: 31–35, figs 1, 2. [View Pages] PDF is 1.8MB

  Baba, K. (1979) Expédition Rumphius II (1975) Crustacés parasites, commensaux, etc. (Th. Monod et R. Sèrene, éd.) VII. Galatheid crustaceans (Decapoda, Anomura). Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Section A, Zoologie, Biologie et Ecologie Animales, Paris, 4e série 1(3): 643–657. [View Pages] PDF is 1.1MB

  Baba, K. (1979) First records of chirostylid and galatheid crustaceans (Decapoda, Anomura) from New Caledonia. Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Section A, Zoologie, Biologie et Ecologie Animales, Paris, 4e série 1: 521–529. [View Pages] PDF is 1.3MB

  Baba, K. (1981) A new galatheid crustacean (Decapoda, Anomura) from the Hawaiian Islands. Journal of Crustacean Biology 1(2): 288–292. [View Pages] PDF is 742kB

  Baba, K. (1981) Deep-sea galatheidean Crustacea (Decapoda, Anomura) taken by the R/V Soyo-Maru in Japanese waters I. Family Chirostylidae. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, series A (Zoology) 7(3): 111–134. [View Pages] PDF is 2.5MB

  Baba, K. (1982) Deep-sea galatheidean Crustacea (Decapoda, Anomura) taken by the R/V Soyo-Maru in Japanese waters. II Family Galatheidae. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, series A (Zoology) 8(3): 103–120. [View Pages] PDF is 4.6MB

  Baba, K. (1982) Galatheids and pagurids of the Palau Islands (Crustacea: Anomura). Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 23: 56–70. [View Pages] PDF is 1.1MB

  Baba, K. (1986) Two new anomuran Crustacea (Decapoda: Anomura) from north-west Australia. The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 3(1): 1–5. [View Pages] PDF is 2.1MB

  Baba, K. (1986) Two new species of anomuran crustaceans (Decapoda: Chirostylidae and Galatheidae) from the Andaman Sea. Journal of Crustacean Biology 6(3): 625–632. [View Pages] PDF is 608kB

  Baba, K. (1988) Chirostylid and galatheid crustaceans (Decapoda: Anomura) of the “Albatross” Philippine Expedition, 1907–1910. Researches on Crustacea Special Number 2: 1–203. [View Pages] PDF is 20MB (also available in 2 parts)

  Baba, K. (1989) Anomuran crustaceans obtained by dredging from Oshima Strait, Amami-Oshima of the Ryukyu Islands. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 22: 127–134. [View Pages] PDF is 564kB

  Baba, K. (1990) Chirostylid and galatheid crustaceans of Madagascar (Decapoda, Anomura). Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Section A, Zoologie, Biologie et Ecologie Animales, Paris, 4e série 11: 921–975. [View Pages] PDF is 11MB

  Baba, K. (1991) Crustacea Decapoda: Alainius gen. nov., Leiogalathea Baba, 1969, and Phylladiorhynchus Baba, 1969 (Galatheidae) from New Caledonia. In: Crosnier, A. (ed.) Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, Volume 9. Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle. Nouvelle Série. Série A, Zoologie. Vol. 152. Paris. Pp. 479–491. [View Pages] PDF is 2.3MB

  Baba, K. (1991) Crustacea Decapoda: Chirostylus Ortmann, 1892, and Gastroptychus Caullery, 1896 (Chirostylidae) from New Caledonia. In: Crosnier, A. (ed.) Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, Volume 9. Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle. Nouvelle Série. Série A, Zoologie. Vol. 152. Paris. Pp. 463–477. [View Pages] PDF is 2.7MB

  Baba, K. (1993) Anomoeomunida, a new genus proposed for Phylladiorhynchus caribensis Mayo, 1972 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Galatheidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 106(1): 102–105. [View Pages] PDF is 484kB

  Baba, K. (1994) Lauriea siagiani, a new galatheid (Decapoda: Anomura: Galatheidae) from Bali, Indonesia. Crustacean Research 23: 40–45. [View Pages] PDF is 466kB

  Baba, K. (1994) Deep-sea galatheid crustaceans (Anomura: Galatheidae) collected by the ‘Cidaris I’ expedition off central Queensland, Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 35: 1–21. [View Pages] PDF is 2.0MB

  Baba, K. (1995) A new squat lobster (Decapoda: Anomura: Galatheidae) from an active thermal vent area in the North Fiji Basin, SW Pacific. Crustacean Research 24: 188–193. [View Pages] PDF is 404kB

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