Cyclocardia ventricosa (Gould, 1850)
stout carditid
Description: Oval to triangular in shape, and somewhat inflated. Sculpture of about 20 low, brown radial ribs, which are overlain by faint commarginal ribs. The hinge plate is wide, with relatively heavy teeth.
Size: 20-30 mm.
Ecology: Shallow infaunal suspension-feeder, found in offshore depths (20-400 m).
Geological range: Reported as early as the Miocene, but more likely to be Pliocene-Recent 5-0 million years ago).
Geographic distribution: Alaska (60°N) to Baja California (27°N). Reported from the Pico Formation (Pliocene, California), San Diego Formation (Pliocene, Baja California, México), Elk River Formation (Pleistocene, Oregon), Lomita Marl (Pleistocene, California), San Pedro Sands (Pleistocene, California), Timms Point Silt (Pleistocene, California), and Quaternary terraces of California.
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- Cyclocardia ventricosa
LACMIP 435-185a
Lomita Marl
- Cyclocardia ventricosa
LACMIP 435-185b
Lomita Marl