- Pleonite 6 (sometimes 5 and 6) fused to telson. [Holdich and Jones, 1983]
- Structure formed by fusion of one or more abdominal somites with telson, as in most isopods. [Moore and McCormick, 1969]
- Structure formed by fusion of one or more abdominal somites with telson. [Butler, T. H.]
- The abdominal part of the body, consisting of a short segment (pleonite 1) and a long and broad segment. The large segment is made of the fused more posterior pleonites and the telson, a terminal segment bearing the anus. Primitively, there are six pleonites: the anterior five bear ventral pleopods, and the sixth bears the uropods. In Janiroidea, only the first pleonite is expressed as a free segment. [Wilson, 1989]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Cumacea) Structure formed by fusion of last (sixth) abdominal somite (pleonite) with telson. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Tanaidacea) Terminal segment of body formed by fusion of telson with last (sixth) or fifth and sixth abdominal somites (pleomeres). [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Isopoda) In all isopods the sixth pleonite is fused to the telson to form a pleotelson. In anthurideans the line of fusion is often visible as a deep dorsal groove or fold. [Wetzer et al. 1997]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Isopoda) Structure resulting from the fusion of the telson and one or more pleonal segments. [Kensley and Schotte, 1989]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Isopoda) Terminal structure of body formed by fusion of one or more abdominal segments (pleonites) with telson. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Stomatopoda) Telson. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Thermosbaenacea) In certain thermosbaenaceans, terminal segment of body formed by fusion of telson with last (sixth) abdominal somite (pleomere). [Stachowitsch, 1992]