- (Figure only.) [Baba, 2005]Anterior part of carapace, including ocular peduncles, based on Munidopsis. [Baba, 2005]
- A transparent horny membrane forming the distal covering of the eye. [Ingle, 1980]
- Faceted portion of the eye. [Butler, T. H.]
- Faceted, usually pigmented portion of the eye (Fig. 3A). [Perez Farfante and Kensley, 1997]
- Facetted and pigmented part of eyestalk. [Poore, 2004]
- The faceted portion of the eye. [Chace and Hobbs, 1969]
- The terminal cap of the eye, faceted except in most troglobites. [Hobbs, Hobbs, and Daniel 1977]
- Transparent cuticle covering ommatidia of compound eye. [Moore and McCormick, 1969]
- Transparent cuticle covering ommatidia of compound eye. [McLaughlin, 1980]
- Transparent cuticle covering ommatidia of each eye. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Outermost layer of compound eye; may be divided into upper and lower units. (bilobed, cylindrical, globular, subglobular, laterally expanded; at right angle to stalk, oblique on stalk). [Stachowitsch, 1992]