- One of terminal elements of chela; movable finger is the dactylus; fixed finger is the terminal extension of propodus. [Butler, T. H.]
- One of the rami of the chela; the movable finger consisting of the dactyl and the immovable finger of the opposable part of the propodus. [Hobbs, Hobbs, and Daniel 1977]
- One of the terminal elements forming the pincers of a chela, the movable finger being the dactyl and the immovable finger the terminal extension of the propodus. [Chace and Hobbs, 1969]
- One of two rami of chela; movable finger (dactyl) and immovabe finger of opposable part of propodus. [Hobbs and Jass, 1988]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Tanaidacea) Chela. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Decapoda) One of two finger-like elements of chela. One may distinguish a movable finger (dactyl) bearing down on a fixed finger (thumb, pollex), which is an extension of expanded propodus (manus, palm). (straight, curved, agape, closely fitting; cutting edge: corneous, entire, pectinate, serrate, sharp, sinuous, tuberculate, toothed; tips: acute, bidentate, corneous, incurved, spoon-shaped, subacute). [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Stomatopoda) Dactyl. [Stachowitsch, 1992]