Mongolia, Dundgov' aimag, west of Delgertsagt (Amardalay), near Bagal Gazaryn Uul
mid-size lake, near old ruins and village, 2 ppt, 13.5°C
R. Wetzer, S. L. Boyce, N. D. Pentcheff
Collecting Method
63 µm mesh net
Preservation Fixative
95% ethanol
?lynceids, amphipods, mites; digital images DSCN0031-42
amphipod, gastropod, ostracod, cladoceran, acari, dipteran larva, platyhelminthes, calanoid copepod; amphipods removed and sent to Keith Crandall (GWU) Nov2013 for genetics.
Station Data
GPS#010, Mongolia Expedition 2002, collecting permit on file
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