Carapace carina
- Narrow ridge on surface of carapace (cf. decapod carapace and stomatopod integumental ornamentation). [McLaughlin, 1980]
- Narrow ridge variously located on surface of decapoda carapace — named types:
a) antennal. Narrow ridge extending backward from antennal spine.
b) branchial. Narrow ridge extending backward from orbit over branchial region.
c) branchialcardiac. Narrow ridge marking off branchial from cardiac regions of carapace.
d) gastroorbital. Narrow ridge extending backward from supraorbital spine.
e) lateral. Narrow ridge on side margin of carapace.
f) orbital. Narrow ridge on margin of orbit.
g) posterior. Transverse narrow ridge in front of carapace marginal groove.
h) postorbital. Narrow ridge slightly behind orbital margin and parallel to it.
i) postrostral. Narrow ridge behind rostrum extending along dorsal mid-line of carapace.
j) rostral. Longitudinal narrow ridge continuous with lateral margin of rostrum.
k) subhepatic. Narrow ridge extending backward from branchiostegal spine.
l) submedian. Narrow ridge on either side of postrostral carina and parallel to it; may join rostral carina.
m) supraorbital.
See: Gastroorbital carina [Moore and McCormick, 1969]