information for reference 38999
Kussakin, O.G. and M.V. Malyutina (1987) Morskie ravnogie rakoobraznye (Crustacea, Isopoda) litorali Zaliva Petra Velikogo. [= Marine isopod crustaceans (Crustacea: Isopoda) of the littoral of Peter the Great Bay) from the shore of Zaliv Petra Velikogo.] Pp 47–67. In: Gul'bin VV (Ed) Issedovaniya litorali Dal'nevostochnogo morskogo zapovednika i sopredel'nykh raionov. In: Gul’bin, V.V. (ed.) Studies on the littoral of Far East marine nature reserves and of adjacent regions. DVO AN SSSR, Vladivostok. Pp. 1–136.
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