Detailed information for reference 24997

 Bruce, A.J. (1990) Additions to the marine shrimp fauna of Hong Kong. In: Morton, B. (ed.) Proceedings of the Second International Marine Biological Workshop: The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China, Hong Kong, 1986. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Pp. 611–648. PDF is 7.9MB


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PDF contributorSmithsonian Institution Crustacea Section Library
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2007-08-09 Sammy De Grave Viewed paper/PDF original

Reference change log

2008-09-30 N. Dean Pentcheff Changed coauthor Morton to book editor, based on notes by De Grave
2008-09-30 N. Dean Pentcheff Book title caps

Reference record internal details

Reference ID 24997
Reference type booksection
Authors Bruce, A.J.
Publication Year (for display) 1990
Publication Year (for sorting) 1990
Title Additions to the marine shrimp fauna of Hong Kong
Secondary Title Proceedings of the Second International Marine Biological Workshop: The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China, Hong Kong, 1986
Secondary Authors Morton, B.
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Pages 611–648
Place published Hong Kong
Published Hong Kong University Press
Keywords Leptochela pugnax Leptochela sydniensis Rhynchocinetes serratus Periclimenes soror Periclimenes brevicarpalis Periclimenes perturbans Periclimenoides odontodactylus Gnathophyllum americanum Alpheus bannerorum Alpheus brevicristatus Alpheus paralcyone Alpheus pareuchirus Alpheus polyxo Alpheus serenei Alpheus ornithorhynchus Athanas parvus Athanas hongkongensis Automate anacanthopus Prionalpheus mortoni Synalpheus hastilicrassus Synalpheus iocosta Hippolyte ventricosa Latreutes sp. Thor paschalis Processa aequimana Processa demani Processa sulcata Processa sp. Chlorotocella gracilis Philocheras lowisi
Reference Contributor Tag sdegrave
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:51 2012