Detailed information for reference 13476

 Beaman, R.J., J.J. Daniell, and P.T. Harris (2005) Geology–benthos relationships on a temperate rocky bank, eastern Bass Strait, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research.


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Reference ID 13476
Reference type journalarticle
Authors Beaman, R.J.
Daniell, J.J.
Harris, P.T.
Publication Year (for display) 2005
Publication Year (for sorting) 2005
Title Geology–benthos relationships on a temperate rocky bank, eastern Bass Strait, Australia
Secondary Title Marine and Freshwater Research
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
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Place published  
To better understand the possible relationships between the geology of the seabed and the associated biological communities, a multibeam sonar survey over New Zealand Star Bank in the eastern Bass Strait was conducted. A hierarchical method of benthic habitat mapping was applied to the secondary biotope and biological facies levels at the site (<10 km) scale. Four secondary biotopes and four biological facies have been defined on the basis of geomorphology revealed by the bathymetry model and the results of statistical analysis of the sediment and underwater video transect data over the bank. The major differences that control the distribution of biological communities in the New Zealand Star Bank area appear to be related to variations in substrate. (1) Hard-ground features related to high-relief granite outcrops are associated with diverse and abundant sessile and motile fauna. These faunal communities may be biologically modified to patchy barrens habitat by grazing urchins. (2) Unconsolidated sediment on a flat seabed is associated with sparse small sponges on the inner shelf. On the middle shelf and seaward of bank, the flat and muddy seabed supports a community dominated by infauna. (3) Unconsolidated sediment on a low-relief seabed is associated with an increase in the density and sizes of sponges concentrated on any low-relief feature raised above the surrounding flat seabed.
Reference Contributor Tag gpoore
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:39 2012