Detailed information for reference 12871

 Adams, A. (1852) Zoology. In: Sutherland, P.C. (ed.) Journal of a voyage in Baffin’s Bay and Barrow Straits, in the years 1850–1851 performed by H.M. ships “Lady Franklin” and “Sophia”, under the command of Mr. William Penny, in search of the missing crews of H.M. ships “Erebus” and “Terror”: with ... observations on the natural history and physical features of the countries and frozen seas visited. Vol. 2. London: Longman Group Ltd. Pp. 201–216.


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Reference record internal details

Reference ID 12871
Reference type booksection
Authors Adams, A.
Publication Year (for display) 1852
Publication Year (for sorting) 1852
Title Zoology
Secondary Title Journal of a voyage in Baffin’s Bay and Barrow Straits, in the years 1850–1851 performed by H.M. ships “Lady Franklin” and “Sophia”, under the command of Mr. William Penny, in search of the missing crews of H.M. ships “Erebus” and “Terror”: with ... observations on the natural history and physical features of the countries and frozen seas visited
Secondary Authors Sutherland, P.C.
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Volume 2
Pages 201–216
Place published London
Published Longman Group Ltd
Keywords isopoda
Reference Contributor Tag gpoore
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:38 2012