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9478 references

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  Bovallius, C. (1885) New or imperfectly known Isopoda. I. Bihang till Könglichen Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 11: 1–32.

  Bovallius, C. (1886) Notes on the Family Asellidae. Bihang till Könglichen Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 11(15): 1–54. [View Pages] PDF is 1.6MB

  Bovallius, C. (1887) New or imperfectly known Isopoda. Part III. Bihang till Könglichen Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 18(4): 1–21pls1–4.

  Bowley, E.A. (1935) A survey of the onisoid genus Phalloniscus Budde-Lund, with a description of new species. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 21: 45–73.

  Bowman, T.E. and D.C. Beckett (1978) A redescription of the troglobitic isopod, Caecidotea stygia, from the environs of Cincinnati, Ohio (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 91(1): 294–302.

  Bowman, T.E. and L. Botosaneanu (1992) First record of a Tachaea species from Sulawesi (Indonesia) with description of its manca stage (Isopoda, Flabellifera, Corallanidae). Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 62: 111–115.

  Bowman, T.E., A.C. Cohen, and M. McManus McGuiness (1982) Vertical distribution of Themisto gaudichaudii (Amphipoda: Hyperiidea) in deepwater dumpsite 106 off the mouth of Delaware Bay. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 351: 1–24.

  Bowman, T.E. and C. Diaz-Ungria (1957) Isopodos quimotoideos parasitos de peces de las aguas Venezolanas. Memorias de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales “La Salle” 17(47): 112–124.

  Bowman, T.E. and R. Franz (1982) Anopsilana crenata, a new troglobitic cirolanid isopod from Grand Cayman Island, Caribbean Sea. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 95(3): 522–529.

  Bowman, T.E., S.P. Garner, R.R. Hessler, T.M. Iliffe, and H.L. Sanders (1985) Mictacea, a new order of Crustacea Peracarida. Journal of Crustacean Biology 5(1): 74–78.

  Bowman, T.E., S.A. Grabe, and J.H. Hecht (1977) Range extension and new hosts for the cymothoid isopod Anilocra acuta. Chesapeake Science 18(4): 390–393.

  Bowman, T.E. and H.H. Hobbs (1983) Caecidotea filicispeluncae, a new troglobitic asellid isopod from Ohio. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 96(4): 693–697.

  Bowman, T.E. and L.B. Holthuis (1968) Lucifer or Leucifer: which spelling is correct? Crustaceana 14(2): 216–217. [View Pages] PDF is 111kB

  Bowman, T.E. and T.M. Iliffe (1983) Bermudalana aruboides, a new genus and species of troglobitic Isopoda (Cirolanidae) from marine caves on Bermuda. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 96(2): 291–300.

  Bowman, T.E. and T.M. Iliffe (1985) Mictocaris halope, a new unusual peracaridan crustacean from marine caves on Bermuda. Journal of Crustacean Biology 5: 58–73.

  Bowman, T.E. and T.M. Iliffe (1987) Anopsilana lingua, a new freshwater troglobitic isopod from the Palau Islands (Flabellifera: Cirolanidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 100(2): 347–352.

  Bowman, T.E. and T.M. Iliffe (1988) Tulumella unidens, a new genus and species of thermosbaenacean crustacean from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 101(1): 221–226.

  Bowman, T.E. and T.M. Iliffe (1991) Annina fustis, a new isopod from Phang Nga, Thailand (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 104(2): 247–252.

  Bowman, T.E. and J.J. Lewis (1984) Caecidotea rotunda, a new troglobitic asellid from Indiana and Ohio (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 97(2): 425–431.

  Bowman, T.E. and R.N. Mariscal (1968) Renocila heterozota, a new cymothoid isopod, with notes on its host, the anemone fish, Amphiprion akallioposos, in the Seychelles. Crustaceana 39: 85–130.

  Bowman, T.E. and M. McManus McGuiness (1982) Epipelagic amphipods of the family Hyperiidea) from the international Indian Ocean Expedition, 1959-1965. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 359: 1–53.

  Bowman, T.E. and B.F. Morris (1979) Carpias Richardson 1902, a senior synonym of Bagatus Nobili 1906, and the validity of Carpias minutus (Richardson 1902) (Isopoda: Asellota: Janiridae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 92(3): 650–657.

  Bowman, T.E., R. Prins, and J. Arenas (1987) The occurrence of the freshwater isopod Heterias (Fritzianira) exul in the Lakes Region of Chile, with notes on the genus Heterias (Asellota: Janiridae). Hydrobiologia 146: 275–281.

  Bowman, T.E. and G.A. Schultz (1974) The isopod crustacean genus Munnogonium George and Strömberg, 1968 (Munnidae: Asellota). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 87(25): 265–272.

  Bowman, T.E. and B. Sket (1985) Remasellus, a new genus for the troglobitic swimming Florida asellid isopod, Asellus parvus Steeves. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 98(3): 554–560.

  Bowman, T.E., J. Yager, and T.M. Iliffe (1985) Speonebalia cannoni, n. gen., n. sp., from the Caicos Islands, the first hypogean leptostracan (Nebaliacea: Nebaliidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 98: 439–446.

  Bowman, T.E. (1955) The isopod genus Chiridotea Harger, with a description of a new species from brackish waters. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 45(7): 224–229.

  Bowman, T.E. (1956) Una especie nueva de Bopyrella (Crustacea: Isopoda) de Los Roques, Venezuela. Novedades Cientificas—Contribuciones Ocasionales del Museo de Historia Natural La Salle (Serie Zoológica) 19: 1–4.

  Bowman, T.E. (1960) Description and notes on the biology of Lironeca puhi n. sp. (Isopoda: Cymothoidae), parasite of the hawaiian moray eel Gymnothorax eurostus (Abott). Crustaceana 1(2): 82–91.

  Bowman, T.E. (1964) Antrolana lira, a new genus and species of troglobitic cirolanid isopod from Madison Cave, Virginia. International Journal of Speleology 1: 229–236, pls 50–57.

  Bowman, T.E. (1965) Cyathura specus, a new cave isopod from Cuba (Anthuroidea: Anthuridae). Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands 22(85): 88–97.

  Bowman, T.E. (1966) Haptolana trichostoma, a new genus and species of troglibitic isopod from Cuba. International Journal of Speleology 2: 105–108.

  Bowman, T.E. (1967) Asellus kenki, a new isopod crustacean from springs in the eastern United States. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 80: 131–140.

  Bowman, T.E. (1971) Cirolana narica sp. n., a New Zealand isopod (Crustacea) found in the nasal tract of the dolphin Cephalorhynchus hectori. Beaufortia 19(252): 107–112.

  Bowman, T.E. (1971) Excirolana kumari, a new tubiculous isopod from Malaysia. Crustaceana 20(1): 70–76.

  Bowman, T.E. (1971) Palaega lamnae, new species (Crustacea: Isopoda) from the upper Cretaceous of Texas. Journal of Paleontology 45(3): 540–541.

  Bowman, T.E. (1971) The distribution of calanoid copepods off the southeastern United States between Cape Hatteras and southern Florida. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 96: 1–58.

  Bowman, T.E. (1973) Pelagic amphipods of the genus Hyperia and closely related genera (Hyperiidea: Hyperidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 136: 1–76.

  Bowman, T.E. (1977) Ceratolana papuae, a new genus and species of mangrove-boring cirolanid isopod from Papua New Guinea. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 90(4): 819–825.

  Bowman, T.E. (1978) Restoration of the subgenus Emphylia Koelbel for the parasitic isopod Nerocila sundaica Bleeker (Flabellifera, Cymothoidae). Crustaceana 34(1): 33–44.