- An appendage attached to an abdominal segment. [Ingle, 1983]
- An appendage of any one of the first five abdominal segments. [Warner, 1977]
- Biramous, often natatory, appendage of pleon. [Holdich and Jones, 1983]
- Distinctive, usually biramous, abdominal appendages in malacostracans. [Brusca and Brusca, 2002]
- Limb of any of first five abdominal somites in Eumalacostraca (six in Phyllocarida), in many crustaceans adapted for swimming.
(syn. swimmeret) [Moore and McCormick, 1969] - One of five pairs of appendages borne on the first five abdominal segments. [Hobbs, Hobbs, and Daniel 1977]
- One of five pairs of appendages on first five abdominal segments ('swimmerets," or modified into male gonopod. [Hobbs and Jass, 1988]
- One of paired limbs on abdominal somites 1-5, usually biramous. [Poore, 2004]
- One of the biramous paired appendages typically arising ventrally from each of the anterior five abdominal somites. In the shrimps, they are primarily swimming organs (Fig. 1). [Perez Farfante and Kensley, 1997]
- One of the five paired, biramous, ventral limbs of the pleotelson. In unmodified form, it consists of a basal segment - the protopod - and two distal rami called the endopod and the exopod. The rami may be biarticulate. Female Asellota lack the first pleopods. In male Asellota, the first pleopods are present only as uniramous structures (fused into a single elongate plate in the superfamily Janiroidea). The rami of the male second pleopod are modified as copulatory structures. Pleopods III-V have very thin cuticle and function as gills (branchiae). [Wilson, 1989]
- One of the paired appendages typically arising from each of first five abdominal somites; primarily used for swimming in shrimps. [Butler, T. H.]
- One of the paired appendages typically arising from each of the first five abdominal somites. In the shrimps, they are primarily swimming organs; in the true crabs, they are modified for attachment of the eggs in females and as sexual appendages (two anterior pairs) or absent (three posterior pairs) in males. [Chace and Hobbs, 1969]
- Paired abdominal appendages used for swimming (hence often called swimmerets) by shrimps; used for attachment of eggs by female shrimps, lobsters and crabs. [Bliss, 1982]
- Paired appendage of any first 5 abdominal somites (rarely 6) in Malacostraca, adapted for swimming.
(syn. swimmeret) [McLaughlin, 1980] - Swimming appendage of the abdomen. [Mauchline, 1984]
- One of a variable number of paired appendages of abdomen (pleon); typically present only in male. Conists of two-segmented basal part (peduncle) bearing two-segmented endopods and one-segmented exopods. Number of pleopods in male is of taxonomix importance. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Paired appendage of first five somites (pleomeres) of abdomen (pleon). Consists basically of two-segmented protopod (coxa, basis) bearing one-segmented endopod and one- to two-segmented exopod. Typically absent in female. (uniramous, biramous; slender and elongate, flattened and short; simple, setose).
See: Uropod [Stachowitsch, 1992] - One of two appendages of each abdominal somite (pleomere); typically consists of base (protopod) and two branches (endopod, exopod). Serves in swimming or variously modified as copulatory structures (e.g., gonopod, petasma) in male, egg-brooding structures in female. (biramous, uniramous; symmetrical, asymmetrical).
(syn. swimmeret)
See: Uropod [Stachowitsch, 1992] - Paired appendage of each somite of anterior subdivision (pleosome) of abdomen (pleon). Basically biramous, consisting of basal segment (peduncle) and two branches (rami). Each pair may be coupled basally by hooks for swimming. First two uropod pairs represent modified pleopods. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- One of two appendages of each of the first five abdominal somites (those of sixth somite being termed uropods). Biramous, flattened, and typically consisting of basal segment and two branches (rami). Usually with respiratory function. Second pair in male modified as gonopods. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Paired appendage of the pleon, five pairs being present in the primitive condition. [Kensley and Schotte, 1989]Schematic representation of an isopod illustrating morphological terms. [Kensley and Schotte, 1989]
- The biramous, paired, lamellar appendages of each pleonite. [Wetzer et al. 1997]
- One of two appendages of abdominal somite (pleomere). Basically biramous, consisting of two-segmented protopod bearing multisegmented inner branch (endopod) and outer branch (exopod). Appendges of last pleomere termed uropods. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- One of two appendages of each abdominal somite (pleomere). Biramous, flattened, and consisting of basal protopod and lamellar endopod and exopod, the former bearing an appendix interna, the latter gills. Appendages of last (sixth) pleomere are termed uropods. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Class Secernentea) One of six pairs of appendages of abdomen, the first four pairs being well developed, the last two pairs being reduced. Basically biramous, consisting of protopod with inner branch (endopod) and out branch (exopod). (biramous, uniramous) (See also appendix interna).
(syn. abdominal appendage) [Stachowitsch, 1992] - One of two appendages of abdominal somite (pleomere). Full complement present only in anaspidacean, with stygocaridacean and bathynellacean bearing at most two anterior pairs of pleopods. First and second pairs modified for copulation in male. (uniramous, biramous). [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- One of two pairs of appendages on first two somites (pleomeres) of abdomen. Small, uniramous, and consisting of single segment. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- One of two appendages of each of the first five abdominal somites (those of sixth somite being termed uropods). Biramous, consisting of two-segmented base as well as one-segmented endopod and exopod. First (and to a lesser extent second) pair of pleopods in male modified to form petasma.
See: Appendix interna [Stachowitsch, 1992]