- Mesodermal tendonous plate below anterior part of alimentary canal (e.g., Notostraca); also firm calcareous plate between nerve cord and alimentary canal in anterior part of thorax in some crabs. [Moore and McCormick, 1969]
- Mesodermal tendonous plate below anterior part of alimentary canal; also firm calcareous plate between nerve cord and alimentary canal anteriorly in thorax of some decapods. [McLaughlin, 1980]
- In endoskeleton, one in a series of rigid structures projecting into body from ventral part (sternites) of exoskeleton. Serves also as site of muscle attachment (apodeme) and may be branched. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Family Cyatholaimidae) One head, one of two transverse skeletal elements arising from ventral surface (sternite) and forming internal skeleton (endoskeleton). Serves as site of attachment for muscles of antennae and mouthparts, one being located directly behind esophagus, the second in region of maxilla. [Stachowitsch, 1992]