Carapace region
- Differentiated portion of decapod carapace surface distinguished in descriptions and used in classification — named types:
a) antennal. Anterior marginal part of carapace bordering orbital region laterally and also touching hepatic, pterygostomial, and, in some forms, frontal region.
b) anterolateral. Lateral part of carapace bordering subhepatic or hepatic regions.
c) branchial. Lateral part of carapace behind pterygostomial region and overlying branchiae, divided by some authors into epibranchial, mesobranchial, and metabranchial subregions.
d) cardiac. Median part of carapace behind cervical groove or suture, between urogastric and intestinal areas.
e) frontal. Anteromedian part of carapace including rostrum and area behind it.
f) gastric. Median part of carapace in front of cervical groove and behind frontal region; divided by some authors into epigastric, mesogastric, metagastric, protogastric, and urogastric subregions.
g) hepatic. Part of carapace which may touch antennal, cardiac, and pterygostomial regions.
h) intestinal. Short transverse part of carapace behind cardiac region, designated by some as posterior cardiac lobe.
i) jugal. See: Pterygostomial region
j) orbital. Part of carapace behind eyes, bordered by frontal and antennal regions.
k) pterygostomial. Anterolateral part of carapace on ventral surface located on opposite sides of buccal cavity.
l) subhepatic. Part of carapace below hepatic region and extending below lateral edge of latter.
(syn. carapace area) [Moore and McCormick, 1969] - Differentiated portion of carapace surface.
See: Carapace regions [McLaughlin, 1980] - One of numerous, more or less clearly delimited and elevated subdivisions of carapace. According to position or underlying internal organs, as well as according to group, one may distinguish antennal, anterolateral, branchial, cardiac, epibranchial, epigastric, frontal, gastric, hepatic, intestinal, mesobranchial, mesogas-tric metabranchial, metagastric, orbital, pos-terolateral, protogastric, pterygostomial, subhepatic, and urogastric regions. [Stachowitsch, 1992]