Collection Data

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Tovar-Hernandez 2009–2010

Section Responsible for Processing



This collection was made during a study to determine how many non-indigenous polychaete species were established in the Port of Mazatl·n, Mexico. Sabellid & serpulid polychaetes, the main focus of the study, are easily transported by ship and can dominate harbor areas to the detriment of native species. Identifications were done by Dr. MarÌa Ana Tovar-Hernandez, the pre-eminent sabellid expert in the Americas.


Specimens were collected under CONABIO Convenio Num. FB1365/GN002/09: “ Poliquetos invasores (Annelida: Polychaeta) del Puerto de Mazatl·n, Sinaloa”. Principle investigator of the grant was Dr. MarÌa Nuria MÈndez Ubach, Unidad AcadÈmica Mazatl·n, Mexico.

Collection Location and Dates

Port of Mazatl·n, and the adjacent Esterio de Urias, Sinaloa, Mexico; 2009.

Taxonomic Contents

Polychaetes only.


Species list held by Polychaete Section. Data collected in 2009 is in Polychaete type catalog (Cat. Nos. 2265-2376), remaining stations to be entered into MBC database.

Description of Collection

Fixed in 10% formalin, rinsed in fresh water, and transferred to 70% ethanol.

Collection Inventory

204 vials total, each containing from 1 to several specimens.

Collection Assets

Date View or Retrieve File Information
11/24/2014 Retrieve [2997.2 kB] MarÌa Ana Tovar<>Hern·ndez, M.A., N. MÈndez and T. F. Villalobos<>Guerrero. 2009. Fouling polychaete worms from the southern Gulf of California: Sabellidae and Serpulidae. Systematics and Biodiversity7(3): 319-336.
11/24/2014 Retrieve [173.7 kB] MarÌa Ana Tovar<>Hern·ndez, M.A., N. MÈndez and T. F. Villalobos<>Guerrero. 2009. Fouling polychaete worms from the southern Gulf of California: Sabellidae and Serpulidae. Systematics and Biodiversity7(3): 319-336. Supplement
11/29/2010 Retrieve [215.0 kB] Raw Data

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