Collection Data

Page Contents: Section | Significance | Background | Location & Dates | Taxonomic Contents | Documentation | Description of Collection | Collection Inventory | Collection Assets

San Diego Bay Survey, 2011

Section Responsible for Processing



A collection with good identifications and preserved in 95% ethanol.


From Sorensen et al 2013: “The purpose of this study was to conduct an ecological index, early detection survey to identify and catalog native and non-indigenous species near naval facilities within the four hydrographic regions in the bay. Work was similar to a Rapid Assessment Survey (RAS) methodology and a team of taxonomists identified live specimens for 5 days. The focus of this study was to identify native, introduced, and cryptogenic species present on multiple natural and artificial habitats within the four hydrographic regions. This overall goal was broken down into four key objectives: (1) to understand and summarize historic data on species distribution, including presence of exotic species within the four management regions of the San Diego Bay; (2) to plan and execute a Rapid Assessment (5-day) Survey using a random sampling strategy to identify species in each of the four hydrographic regions of the Bay (marine, thermal, seasonally hypersaline, and estuarine); (3) to assess feasibility of using DNA barcoding as a tool for augmenting species identification in a rapid assessment platform; and (4) to provide summary of data relative to the four management regions, including species distribution and relative abundance relative to U.S. Navy facilities.” Leslie Harris, NHMLAC Polychaete Collections Manager participated in the survey by identifying the polychaetes and retained all the specimens for the collection.

Collection Location and Dates

San Diego Bay, California, July 2011. 18 sites were sampled prior to and during a Rapid Assessment Survey. Settling plates were deployed the previous year at 17 sites and retrieved during the survey. Soft sediment grabs were taken at 17 sites using a 0.25-m2 van Veen grab deployed from a Boston whaler.

Taxonomic Contents



Data files and project report available from Polychaete Section. Official report had not yet been released by the U.S. Navy (12/31//2014).

Description of Collection

Wet preserved collection. All settling plate specimens were live-sorted and identified, then preserved in 95% ethyl alcohol. Soft sediment specimens were first preserved in 90% ethyl alcohol then sorted and identified.

Collection Inventory

Approximately 300 lots of polychaetes.

Collection Assets

No collection assets available.

Curatorial Status (Click to view)