Collection Data

Page Contents: Section | Significance | Background | Location & Dates | Taxonomic Contents | Documentation | Description of Collection | Collection Inventory | Collection Assets


Section Responsible for Processing



AECOM Technology Corporation (AECOM)*is the largest biological consulting company performing fairy shrimp surveys in the San Diego area.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service mandates depositing Southern California fairy shrimp for permanent storage into the LACM collections. Andrew Fisher, Lance Woolley, Erin Bergman, and Erik LaCoste biologists performing collection.

Collection Location and Dates

Collections made in San Diego County, California since December 2007.

Taxonomic Contents

Fairy shrimp.


Excel spreadsheet imported into DB.

Description of Collection

Specimens collected before 2012 were fixed and stored in 70% denatured ethanol, and then transferred to 95% pure ethanol in early 2012. Specimens collected in late 2012 and thereafter are fixed and preserved in pure 95% ethanol only.

Collection Inventory

About 1200 lots were collected between the mid 1990s to 2012 -- all collected and stored in 70% denatured ethanol, and subsequently transferred to 95% pure ethanol.

Post December 2014 all specimens have only ever been preserved and stored in 95% pure ethanol. To date this represents ~150 lots. Most lots consist of only 1-3 adult male specimens. The ~1400 lots (as of December 2014), 70% are B. sandiegoensis and 28% are B. lindahli, the remaining are other fairy shrimp species.

Collection Assets

Date View or Retrieve File Information
11/07/2014 Retrieve [62.5 kB] Raw data sheet.

Curatorial Status (Click to view)