Collection Data

Page Contents: Section | Significance | Background | Location & Dates | Taxonomic Contents | Documentation | Description of Collection | Collection Inventory | Collection Assets

Oregon State University, Andrew Carey 1961–1965

Section Responsible for Processing



This is a unique and valuable deepsea marine invertebrate collection from Oregon State University collected by Prof. Andrew Carey. This collection contains echinoderms, mollusks, crustaceans, and polychaetes from (1) NE Pacific bathyal and abyssal trawls, (2) Chucki Sea and Beaufort Sea continental shelf trawls, and (3) unsorted abysal epibenthic sled and Arctic Smith-McIntrye Grab samples.


The collection was brought to NHMLAC by curator Gordon Hendler in May 1999. Upon the collections arrival at the NHMLAC, material identified to major taxonomic group (crustaceans, mollusks, echinoderms, and polychaetes) was sent to respective NHMLAC invertebrate departments. It appears fish were sent to NHMLAC Ichthyology.

The list of publications resulting from these collections are extensive, and they are summarized separately (see images).

Collection Location and Dates

This material collected between 1961 and 1995 was divided among the California Academy of Sciences, the Santa Barbara Museum, and the NHMLAC. Comprehensive lists of abbreviations used to identify collection methods and gear, station designations and cruises accompany this collection.

Taxonomic Contents

Taxonomic emphasis of the material received by NHMLAC is on echinoderms, mollusks, crustaceans, and polychaetes.


A comprehensive file containing supporting documentation pertaining to this collection is in Gordon Hendler’s office. A portion of this material has been duplicated and is maintained by the Marine Biodiversity Processing Center.

Description of Collection

The material transferred to NHMLAC consisted of approximately 75 boxes containing jars and 35 buckets field fixed in buffered formalin and now preserved in 70% ethanol. It is unknown how many lots of this material were sent to individual invertebrate departments upon its arrival at NHMLAC, and at present it is unclear if this collection was accessioned as a single collection upon its arrival or if some of this material was dispersed and remains unaccessioned by the NMHLAC registar.

An additional 50, 5-gallon buckets of unsorted material (700-2800 m depth) was not taken by NMHLAC, but was acquired by Don Cadien (Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, Marine Biology Laboratory). Don has sorted 4 of these buckets and this material is located in his personal non-climate controlled storage facility. This material may be available to NMHLAC in the future.

Collection Inventory

Twenty-six 5-gallon plastic buckets of unsorted material were taken by benthic trawl. These specimens have been sorted to phyla into 390 lots, shelved, and are now located in the Polychaete Collection Range. Taxa represented in this collection include mollusks (50 lots), echinoderms (150 lots), crustaceans (85 lots), polychaetes (28 lots), cnidarians (42 lots), ascidians (10 lots), nematodes and plathyhelminths (1 lot each), ectoprocts (9 lots), algae (7 lots), brachiopods (4 lots), and pycnogonids (3 lots).

Collection Assets

Date View or Retrieve File Information
03/25/2022 Visit Oregon State University, Andrew Carey station data, publications, and maps
09/21/2021 Retrieve [511.4 kB] Station excel spreadsheet received from Leslie 20210921. It is on Google:
ADBC=>Working groups=> WG-expedition-data=>Expedition Datasets=>Oregon State University, Andrew Carey=>CAREY-OSU station data_emended LH
11/15/2001 View [1081.4 kB] Unprocessed buckets.
11/15/2001 View [921.5 kB] Urchin tests in bucket before alcohol change.
11/15/2001 View [926.5 kB] Molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms.
11/15/2001 View [946.0 kB] Deep water crab.
11/15/2001 View [1012.2 kB] Urchin tests and fish.
09/04/2001 Retrieve [20.5 kB] Alcohol concentration assessment.
09/04/2001 Retrieve [33.0 kB] References based on collections.

Curatorial Status (Click to view)