Collection Data

Page Contents: Section | Significance | Background | Location & Dates | Taxonomic Contents | Documentation | Description of Collection | Collection Inventory | Collection Assets

Brazil 1998

Section Responsible for Processing



Brazil is considered by some the southern limit of the “Greater Caribbean” faunal region. These specimens (primarily polychaetes) enhance our Caribbean collection and contribute to our understanding of distribution and species variation in the region.


Post the 6th International Polychaete Conference in Curitiba, Brazil, Leslie Harris (NHM Polychaete Collection Manager) collected at the Pontal do Sol Marine Station.

Collection Location and Dates

Brazil, Parana State, Paranagua Bay, vicinity of Pontal do Sul and Ilha do Mel (Honey Island); 9-15 August 1998. Most collections made by hand, a few by dredge and SCUBA.

Taxonomic Contents

Polychaetes (110 lots), crustacean, molluscs, and miscellaneous (7 lots).


Field notes are with Leslie Harris in Polychaetes.

Description of Collection

All lots were fixed in formalin except one lot which was preserved in glutaraldehyde and later then transferred to 70% ethanol. Specimens in formalin need to be rinsed in fresh water and then transferred to 70% ethanol.

Collection Inventory

All specimens are in crate P-L-1 in the trailer.

Collection Assets

No collection assets available.

Curatorial Status (Click to view)